A New Adventure…

I have some exciting news that I can’t wait to share.  As you may know, I have attended Ranney School since I was three years old.  I love this school.  Ranney is incredible in so many ways. At Ranney they teach children compassion, understanding, and honor. Ranney not only gives you an amazing education, but they also build character and guide their students into becoming extraordinary adults. I have been lucky enough to spend the past twelve years surrounded by caring and intellectual faculty, as well as friendly and exceptional peers. Ranney is my home and always will be.  In large part, I am who I am due to Ranney School.

As much as I love Ranney, I have grown too comfortable after my twelve years as a student here.  This September, I will be continuing my education in New Hampshire at Philips Exeter Academy. I will miss Ranney dearly and always come back to visit my friends, the staff and my little brother.  Ranney will always be a part of me.

But I am off to a new & challenging adventure! I worked really hard to get into Exeter, a lot of long nights studying and many weekends spent over a book.  And I know the hard work has only begun, but I am so ecstatic to take on this challenge. I am a bit nervous about starting as a sophomore (they call it lower), but I’ll get the hang of things.  I just know I am going to love it!

I hope the beginning of summer is going great for all of you!  Summer is the perfect time for reading while we relax till the next school year begins.


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