Charles Lafitte Foundation Focuses On Children’s Advocacy, Education, Medical Reseach and The Arts

Suzanne and Jeffrey Citron announced plans today to aggressively extend the efforts of their charitable organization, The Charles Lafitte Foundation.   Mr. Citron, entrepreneurial technology innovator, and his wife, Suzanne, formed the Foundation in 1999 to support education, children’s advocacy, medical research and the arts.  The Charles Lafitte Foundation has already assisted groups including the American Cancer Society, Camp Bon Coeur, and Junior Achievement, and the Citrons are looking to aid other organizations that advance the Foundation’s mission.


The Charles Lafitte Foundation is a multifaceted, multi-purposed organization comprised of four distinct project areas.  The Education Program values the attainment of knowledge, supporting programs that inventively address the needs of students with learning disabilities, provide educational technology, and support at-risk students.  The Education Program also supports research efforts, and programs at colleges and universities.  The Children’s Advocacy Program identifies and supports groups working to improve the quality of life for children.  Child abuse, foster housing, literacy, and after-school programs are examples of the issues central to the program.  A third group within the Foundation, Medical Issues & Research, encourages healthcare studies.  The group undertakes projects that promote healthy living and disease prevention.  The fourth group, The Arts Program, encourages emerging artists and supports educational art programs.

“I’ve always believed in philanthropy and I am thrilled to be in a position to help people improve their own lives,” said Jeffrey Citron, co-founder and board member, Charles Lafitte Foundation.   “The foundation and the issues that we address are extremely important to me and I am confident that we have already initiated positive change for so many, and I look forward to a future full of even more progress.” The Charles Lafitte Foundation contributions range from single donations to on-going project funding and volunteer work.  Jeffrey and Suzanne Citron are both active board members at organizations that the Foundation assists, including the American Cancer Society and the Montclair Art Museum.  Grant proposals may be submitted via the organization’s web site,  Preference is given to proposals and programs that foster significant change for many individuals.

About Jeffrey Citron:

Jeffrey Citron is a technology pioneer and visionary who transformed the financial services industry. As Chairman and CEO of Vonage, Mr. Citron aims to redefine yet another industry — telecommunications.

Some of the more revolutionary financial services developments over the past decade were spearheaded by Mr. Citron. In 1995, Mr. Citron founded The Island ECN, a computerized trading system designed to eliminate the problems associated with order execution. The Island ECN matched over 53 billion shares in 2000, accounting for a dollar value of over $ 3 trillion. Today, it is the largest global financial exchange, responsible for one in four NASDAQ trades.

Following on the success of The Island ECN, Mr. Citron founded and became the Chairman and CEO of Datek Online Holdings Corp. as Datek transitioned into the online brokerage industry. Under his leadership, Datek has grown to become the fourth largest online brokerage in the US, according to Chase H&Q. Currently, Datek is one of the most recognized brands in industry and it has more than 800,000 funded customer accounts. Mr. Citron departed Datek in 1999 and, recognizing a similar opportunity, founded Vonage.

Apart from his entrepreneurial activities, Mr. Citron is continually pursuing philanthropic initiatives. He currently serves on the board of the Montclair Art Museum and through his family foundation routinely funds medical research, supports the Arts and dedicates his time and resources to children’s charities.


For more information, contact:
Aakiya Woods
Ruder Finn

Jennifer Vertitis
Charles Lafitte Foundation
Contact Jennifer here

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