Haring Center’s Experimental Education Unit Gets $25K Boost from Charles Lafitte Foundation

Donation Supports Summer Camp Program

SEATTLE, WA – The Charles Lafitte Foundation (CLF) recently donated $25,000 to the Haring Center for Research and Training in Inclusive Education’s Experimental Education Unit (EEU), which offers side-by-side learning opportunities for typically developing children and those with developmental delays.

The donation supports the EEU’s summer camp program, where children with and without disabilities learn, play and strengthen friendships developed over the school year. The EEU summer camp also provides opportunities for high school students to volunteer in classrooms and begin learning about early intervention.

PHOTO: Children at the Experimental Education Unit work on creating shapes with their teacher during a free choice session, where students decide which educational activities they want to pursue.

“I am overwhelmed by the generosity of the Charles Lafitte Foundation and their commitment to ensuring that all children receive the support they need to learn and grow,” said Christopher Matsumoto, principal, Experimental Education Unit. “On behalf of the children, families, and staff of the EEU, I thank the Charles Lafitte Foundation for being a true community partner and advocate for education.”

The Experimental Education Unit offers programs for children from birth through six years to help promote the development of children’s cognitive, motor, communication and social interaction skills through specific educational and therapeutic interventions. EEU programs always include the side-by-side learning of typically developing children and children with various developmental delays or disabilities, including Infant and Toddler, Preschool, an Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program, Project Data (extended day services for children on the autism spectrum) and Kindergarten. CLF has been a long-time supporter of the Haring Center’s EEU, with grants totaling $125,000.

“We are pleased to continue supporting the Haring Center’s Experimental Education Unit that provides inclusive educational programming, helping children at all levels of development learn, grow and thrive together,” said Jennifer Vertetis, President, Charles Lafitte Foundation.

About The Charles Lafitte Foundation

The Charles Lafitte Foundation (CLF) supports innovative and effective ways of helping people help themselves and others around them to achieve healthy, satisfying and enriched lives. The Foundation supports organizations working in four main areas: educationchildren’s advocacymedical research & issues, and the arts. The Foundation underwrites programs that can become self-sustaining with long-term commitment and measurable impact. In determining grants, CLF looks for solutions that lead to independence and self-empowerment for individuals, and to the establishment of effective, long-standing programs and organizations.

For more information about the Charles Lafitte Foundation visit www.charleslafitte.org.

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